Uprising Devotional 9

Uprising Devotional 9

“This is my comfort and consolation in my affliction: that Your word has revived me and given me life. [Rom. 15:4.]”

Psalm 119:50 AMP

Isn’t it amazing what God has done for us? How he sent Jesus to save us. How He sent Jesus to replace us in receiving the punishment for sin.

Isn’t it powerful how he gave us his word and his promises, if we would only believe? Regardless of the struggles in life, His word is our comfort and consolation. It is His word that revives us and gives us life. This is why we encourage everyone to study and read the word, to get it deep down in our hearts, and to fill our minds with the revelation of his word allowing it to renew our minds.
When we don’t avail ourselves to His word we are missing out. I think sometimes, because it is so available to us, we forget how precious it is. We forget how life changing it can be. It is like having a treasure that is buried in your back yard, but yet you are starving to death. It makes no sense. This is the same thing as us having the opportunity of comfort, consolation, and revival, literally all over our homes, and yet many times we spend very little time using the treasure that God has given us to fill the hunger in our hearts.

It is God’s Word that revives us and gives us life!

Take a moment and watch this video video. This is a group of Christians in China, who are saved but don’t have bibles. A ministry smuggled these bibles in, watch how this underground church responds to receiving the word. It will remind of how truly precious the word is. IT IS OUR REVIVAL!
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