Then I heard the Lord asking, “Whom should I send as a messenger to this people? Who will go for us?” I said, “Here I am. Send me.”


As God works in us, developing our character to mirror His, He continually asks a question. Gently but consistently, He asks a questions that would lead us to a place of devotion and trust.

He never stops asking because He knows that as His spirit in us is revived that we will resemble the image and likeness of our Creator more and more. The closer we draw to His heart is when we see the closer our heart becomes like His. So, He asks, “Who should I send?” with the full expectation that we will speak up! His heart is to commision everyone who is willing.


The closer we draw to His heart is when we see the closer our heart becomes like His.

The reviving of His Spirit in us must translate to us having the same passion as God. He is passionate about sending a message to His people. We should be passionate about going and reaching all of His people with this message. Isaiah answered God from a place of reverent awe of both who God is and what God did. Isaiah experienced revival which moved him to the act of devotion and to a place of trust. Our revival should move us to accepting God’s commission. Revival will cause us to speak up and respond to God’s invitation. It is us saying, “Here I am. Send me!”


  1. Has God asked you to accept His invitation to be a messenger to His people? Are you listening to His promptings?
  2. Do you feel that if you speak up and accept His commission that you won’t know what to say?
  3. The message of love and grace is found in your testimony. Going and spreading the message is simply sharing your story of what God has done and who God is to you. Today, speak up and accept the call to be a messenger! Write out your testimony and practice sharing it.
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