Let your roots grow down into him and let your lives be built on him. Then, your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught and you will overflow with thankfulness.

Colossians 2:7

Imagine one of those huge oak trees that are perfect for a wooden swing. One of those trees we all would like to lay out a blanket and rest under the cool of it’s shade.
On the surface, we see a tree matured by the many seasons that have come and gone. Under the surface, we find roots that have established themselves deep into the earth, spreading wide in every direction. The roots of this tree draw in the nutrients that sustain it and give it the resources to grow. The roots also provide the foundation and stability it needs to endure the daily grind of all four seasons. The sustain and stability of God’s revival is dependent on our roots growing down deep and spreading wide into the Word of God.
The Word of God is what we have that provides us the revelation of who God is and what God has done for us. We must let our roots grow down and our lives be built on Him. The nutrients we need will be given through our root system. It will cause us to mature and to bear fruit.

The sustain and stability of God’s revival is dependent on our roots growing down deep and spreading wide into the Word of God.

The fruit of faith will be produced as we gain knowledge of who God is. The fruit of thankfulness will be produced as we receive more revelations of all that God has done for us. Revival is many things but it’s resourced by the roots we lay down into God’s word!



  1. What can I do when this fast and prayer season is over to continue to let my roots grow down into God?
  2. Do realize that my life will be sustained by the constant reading and studying of God’s word? How can I build a life on God?
  3. Are the fruit of faith and fruit of thankfulness overflowing in my life? What can I change to increase their overflow?
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