RESCUE :: Lead Pastor David Gadberry

RESCUE :: Lead Pastor David Gadberry

Psalm 69:14-16

“Rescue me from the mire and do not let me sink; Let me be rescued from those who hate me and from the deep waters. Do not let the floodwater overwhelm me, Nor the deep waters swallow me up, Nor the pit [of Sheol] shut its mouth over me. Answer me, O Lord, for Your lovingkindness is sweet and good and comforting; According to the greatness of Your compassion, turn to me.”

Here we are, my daughter Sydney and I, in Kampala, Uganda. We have experienced so many amazing things already and we’ve only been here for 4 days. The experience of the commissioning service as the transition from the founder and leaders. Gary and Marilyn Skinner to their successors, Julius and Vernita Rwotlonyo, I will talk about more later, however, right now it is hard to even describe. I will say this, from the moment the service started the presence of God descended on that place, and the rest as they say is history. It was one of the most profound acts of leadership I have ever witnessed. However, what has been and always is, when visiting Watoto Church, the most impacting thing is the stories of rescue. We had the opportunity to go to one of the Watoto villages. In my mind the premier solution for the orphan crisis in the world. Instead of an institutionalized orphanage, they put them in families. They provide a mom (a widow, or abandoned mother) a home as you see in the above picture. They put a school, a clinic, a church, and a vocational school in the village as well. Staff lives there with them. Men of the church and staff act as father figures and each mom has 8 kids whom she treats like her own children. They have 3 villages and over 3000 orphans. They fixed us a meal one day and we had the privilege of having lunch with them and hearing their stories. Momma Annette told us how her husband unknown to her was a polygamist and without telling her or her kids he sold their family home and property and abandoned them.

She told of the miracle of how God came to her rescue using the opportunity to become a mom with the Watoto organization. Then Rose, the young lady in the picture that is third from the right, told her story. She is 16 currently, and a sweeter, more vibrant young person I defy you to find. She begin to tell a story that would be impossible for me to replicate because the layers of neglect and abuse and devaluing of her worth by simply not being wanted. Her mom
died and basically no one in her family wanted her. She ended up being rescued by watoto and placed in Mama Annette’s home, and the bond between them is undeniable.

This is Raymond. We first noticed him at the commissioning service, he was one of the worship leaders. So talented and gifted. Before he sang a song to us on this day, he told his story. The song he ended up singing was based on the scripture at the beginning of this blog and he wrote it. It was beautiful and powerful. His story is another rescue miracle. In a nutshell, as a brand new born baby his mom through
him out in a plastic bag, on top of a trash heap. Someone found him and he was rescued by watoto. He was raised in their family village and he has grown up to fulfill his potential and live his kingdom purpose. He loves Jesus so deeply that you can literally hear it in his voice. He says with such conviction Jesus truly rescued him. Because Watoto church, the Pastors, Elders, staffs etc are willing to personally sacrifice and give of themselves in a surrendered way to the will and purpose of God lives are changed and a nation is being transformed. This isn’t a quick fix and Watoto will be celebrating its 40th Birthday next year. This has inspired me to lead our church to be a rescue team. We have people in our own city, some who are down and out and others who are up and out. However they all need to be rescued. We rescue because of compassion. We rescue because we love people. We rescue because we love Jesus. God use us to Connect people with you through relationship. Help us to bring those spiritual orphans in and make them a part of the family. Help us to grow, discipling intentionally, and helping people to get closer and closer to God and deeper and deeper in a relationship with him. Help us to go. To see and seize the opportunities to reach others with the gospel, regardless of the personal sacrifice and inconvenience it requires of us. God is empowering us to rescue the lost and bring them to freedom. Let’s do this!
Thanks Church. I love you!
P David

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