God’s R.O.I.

God’s R.O.I.

What has God invested in you?  What is His R. O. I?

5 Principles of Increase

God has invested in us and has an expectation that we will give Him a return on His investment.  Here are five ways that will help us do that. 

1. God is entrusting us with HIS possessions.

QUOTE:  “When you realize God’s purpose of your life isn’t just about you.  He will use you in a mighty way.”  – Dr.  Tony Evens

We are stewarding what belongs to God, not asking Him to bless what belongs to us. 

2.  God entrusts you based on your abilities.

Whatever God asks you to do, He’s made you able to do it. 

He’s not asking you to do something you are not capable of

He does not require everyone to have the same capacity, as you obey your capacity grows and God can give you more to be responsible for. 

Some of us want more but haven’t done what is needed with what we have already been given.

3.  Fear of failure is a killer of increase

Fear paralyzes purpose.

Inaction based on fear is the same as saying God I don’t want your investment. It’s like the people who say “I don’t want to know, because if I know I have to be responsible”

Notice the attitude of the master as it pertains to the possible failure. He infers he would rather him fail trying than not to try at all. 

Fear of failure is the beginning of regret.

4.  Calculated Risk and sacrifice are necessary for increase

Accomplishing anything of worth requires risk and sacrifice. 

Jesus was our example of both. Do we think He did all that just for us to be saved or do we realize that He also did it to model for us how to do it? 

Abundant life, purposed life is best lived in this way. Living for self, comfort zone living is a small way to live. 

Excitement, adventure, passion, and fulfillment are found in a life that is not our own. We were bought at a price. 

Romans 12:1-2. Be a living Sacrifice!

When we stand before God will He asked us, if we were blessed?  If we were comfortable. Is all the response we give supposed to be thanks for giving me safety and comfort and blessings or will that seem trite and trivial?

Won’t he ask, what did you do with what I gave you? Did you use the investment I made in you to point people to me?  Did you invest in others?  Did you bring me a return?

What will our answer be? That is the point of purpose.

It’s not just about faithfulness it’s about fruitfulness. 

5.  Valuing God’s investment brings increase, not valuing       God’s investment brings decrease.

He gave the kingdom producers more to rule over, he takes the investment away from non-producers. 

Faithful over a few rulers of many. 

What do you want God to say to you when you return His investment to Him?    #returnoninvestment

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