Champions: Part Three

Champions: Part Three

Champions turn a negative situation into a positive situation

Romans 8:28 NKJV

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.”



Lauren Hill was a champion in life and in her death. She dealt with a major negative. A negative that puts most people out of the game. A negative that makes you want to go hide somewhere and act like it isn’t happening. She knew that to win, she had to face it head on and turn it positive. Even in the full knowledge that she would die, she said, I will use what time I have to make a huge impact on the thinking and lives of those around me. She taught us to appreciate and take in every moment. SHE TOOK A NEGATIVE AND MADE IT POSITIVE. An essential skill of a champion is the ability to turn the negatives into positives. Champions seem to have a way of understanding this. A knowing that negatives are only temporary.


“Taking something from the negative column and placing it in the positive column is all about perspective. How do you see it?” #Champions
“People’s negative opinions: Holding you back, or launching you forward? Its your choice.” #Champions
“Your last failure: The seal on your defeat, or the education you needed to move forward to the next level?” Your choice. #Champions


Champions are people who want to win in life. They want their lives to matter. They want their lives to count. They want their lives to make a difference. Champions believe in their God given purpose even when no one else does. Champions do what others don’t. Champions turn a negative situation into a positive situation.


1. Identify the negatives

The negatives are anything that can distract or stand in the way. They can paralyze you from becoming who God intends for you to be. They keep you from accomplishing what He wants you to accomplish.

There are Internal Negatives…

  • Temptation
  • Failures
  • Unrealistic expectations
  • Wrong mindsets or attitudes
  • Personally imposed pressure

There are External Negatives

  • Hardships
  • Popular opinion
  • Persecution
  • Life challenges
  • People pressure
  • Pressure of perfection
  • Pressure of accomplishment
  • Peer pressure
  • Pressure of peoples expectation


2. Identify the purpose

Champions know who they are. This is  so important to taking the negatives and making them positive. So make sure you can identify the purpose by, first, knowing who you are, and then knowing your purpose


3. Identify the positives:

Identify the positives in you life and then the circumstance by asking

  • What can you learn?
  • What can you turn?
  • What needs to burn?



Paul and Silas:

Paul and Silas were fulfilling their God give purpose and specific assignment at the time when they will attacked, persecuted, and imprisoned. They were beaten, misused, punished unjustly, ridiculed, publicly humiliated, and told to stop what they were doing, and don’t do it anymore. They were being bound, muzzled and seemingly defeated. This was a major negative. It was pressure to the highest degree. There attitude and response was their breakthrough. They turned a major negative into a major positive by engaging God in their situation through their faith. Their faith was built on right attitude and proper perspective. They saw this negative as a launching pad, not a crash site.

a. They had purpose

b. They had the right perspective

c. They made God the priority

d. They saw God’s power

This turns the negative to the positive!

What are you going to do with the negatives in your life?

Will you let them stop you? Will you deny their existence? Will you blame someone or something else? Will you allow the external negatives to become internal negatives and destroy you?


Will you anchor yourself in Gods purpose for you? Will you have the perspective that all things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose? Will you make Gods will, desire, and purpose for you your priority? Will you engage God’s power to take those negatives and turn them on their head and bring the positive out of them?

The real question today is WILL YOU BE A CHUMP OR WILL YOU BE A CHAMPION? Its your choice.

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