And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all he has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind he will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship him.

Romans 12:1 NLT

Have you seen one of those hollywood movies or network television shows where a man’s life was saved by the main character, and then, their response after just being rescued from death is to pledge their life in service of the main character?
Most of us will think, “Why did he just do that? That guy is going to take advantage of him. You just pledged your life to someone you didn’t even know?” I wonder if we realize that those same thoughts are keeping us from fully pledging our own saved life in service of Jesus. Maybe we have a fear that God would take advantage of our devotion. We haven’t truly come to know Him so we keep an attitude that says, “I’ll trust you when you have earned it.”

Revival’s momentum is built and sustained by the worship of those devoted.

The truth here is simple. We give God our bodies because God gave His, which is why I believe that this response makes sense in the movies. The character was literally about to die. Then, he wasn’t. They give their life because the rescuer just sacrificed his. Isn’t this worthy of trust?
Revival’s momentum is built and sustained by the worship of those devoted. Giving God back a life that is living, holy, and acceptable because God gave his life, perfect and unblemished, is the way to worship Him. This kind of worship takes complete devotion. It should be the pledge of the redeemed to live a life sold out to the Redeemer.

We give God our bodies because God gave His!



  1. Have you found yourself asking if God is trustworthy? Do you have thoughts that maybe God would take advantage of you?
  2. If you have asked the Lord to save you, and you believe he has, do believe that warrants your life in return? What could be keeping you from completely pledging your life to the service of God?
  3. Do you want the momentum of revival in your life to be sustained? What ways could you devote your life back to God and to the service of His Kingdom?
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