Uprising Devotional 8

Uprising Devotional 8

I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!

Psalms 116:1-2 NLT


One of the best things to have is that one person and that one relationship that makes themselves available any time we need someone to listen. It is that best friend who always answers when you call. Knows exactly what to say and when to say it. Knows how to comfort and act in times of need. We all grow to fall in love with that kind of best friend.

It’s time to revive the best friend we have in God. Time to revive the connection through Jesus that we have to the one who hears our voice, who answers our prayer, and who is ready at any time of need to bend down and listen. God is a listener and we should commit ourselves to pray as long as we have the breath, and to pray with the faith and expectation that he is real and he is a rewarder to those who seek him.
And it is impossible to please God without faith. Anyone who wants to come to him must believe that God exists and that he rewards those who sincerely seek him.
Hebrews 11:6 (NLT)
Revival birthed from a place of loving God because he hears us and loves us enough to bend down and get close is the kind of revival that will last a lifetime. It’s that kind of revival, a revival of prayer and trust that will never again need to be revived.

It’s time to revive the best friend we have in God.



  1. What prayers from my past do I know that God has heard and answered? What times and things from my past do I know God extended my grace and mercy?
  2. Write out how remembering His faithfulness and His grace helps you today?
  3. List out all of the many things you love about God, your Best Friend and let your personal revival be stirred up with this list. Keep it with you and read it frequently.
  4. Before you finish, begin praying right now to your best friend who is bending down to listen.
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