Uprising Devotional 2

Uprising Devotional 2

Wake up, you sleepyhead city! Wake up, you sleepyhead people! King Glory is ready to enter. Who is this King-Glory? God, armed and battle-ready!

Psalm 24:7-8 MSG

Have you ever been jarred awake by someone knocking at your front door or honking in your driveway because you were asleep? They began making a bunch of noise because you needed to wake up quickly. They found you asleep and on the verge of missing out.
How thankful were you for that friend who didn’t leave you behind because you were passed out and hitting the snooze on your alarm. We are all grateful for the friends who brought us along! They took the time to wake us up. Could you imagine missing out on what God is doing because you were asleep or hitting the snooze button?

It is time for revival as King Glory is ready to enter!!

Today, God is knocking at the door. God is honking in the driveway saying it’s time for us to wake up. King Glory is ready to enter! We his people need to wake up and we his people need to wake up this city. Who is King Glory they asked. It is God, armed and battle ready. He has come to revive us, breathing his life back into us. It is time for us to wake up or we will miss it. It is time for revival as King Glory is ready to enter!!



  1. What areas in your life is God wanting you to wake up?
  2. Who can you be a friend to, jarring them awake so they don’t miss what God is doing?
  3. King Glory is armed & battle-ready! Begin praying throughout this revival for your friends and family, your church, and your city.



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