Uprising Devotional 1

Uprising Devotional 1

“Consider how I love Your precepts; revive me and give life to me, O Lord, according to Your loving-kindness! The sum of Your word is truth [the total of the full meaning of all Your individual precepts]; and every one of Your righteous decrees endures forever.”

Psalm 119:159-160 AMP

Having a personal spiritual revival starts with prayer and engaging with God’s word. The Psalmist includes both of these concepts in this passage. He asks God to revive him and to give him life. He declares how he loves God’s word. He asks God to revive him according to God’s loving Kindness. He declares God’s word is truth and everlasting!
In order for us to have a personal revival we must talk to God. We need to spend some time getting quiet in His presence, sharing our heart with him, and listening for his prompting of our heart. We need to realize God knows and wants what is best for us. God is loving and kind towards us, and its His desire to be close to us. Imagine that for a moment. The God and Father of all things, the creator of all things that exist, wants to be personally involved in your life. We need to receive His word as truth and declare it over our lives. There is a scripture, literally multiple scriptures, in the word of God for any situation we face.
Personal revival comes as a result of getting to know God through his word. Revival happens when we begin submitting ourself to him and to His purpose for our life. We should long for intimacy with Him. How bad do you want to be close to God? How intensely do you feel about God using your life for His purpose? If you have the willingness, He will provide the purpose and power. He will revive and breath life into your situation.

Personal revival comes as a result of getting to know God through his word.


  1. In what ways are you getting to know God better?
  2. Are you making a daily appointment with God and keeping it?
  3. Do you feel intimidated by the Bible? Why?
  4. Start where you are and build to your future. Try our app bible plans and read at your own pace. I encourage you to journal as well. Just write what comes to your heart.
  5. In order to effectively interact with God, it is important to shut the other voices out. So find a time and a place where you can be uninterrupted and talk to your Father.
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